David’s Winter Solar Test

Rosemary had a few days off after Thanksgiving this year, so we opted to take a few days to enjoy Assateague National Park with its rustic camping experience.

We arrived on Black Friday at about 12:30PM and were lucky to get a campsite on the bay side (since it’s a barrier island, there’s an ocean side and a bay side with camping in the park).

The first day, we had full batteries and worked on this web site with dueling laptops until the wee hours of the morning, finishing at about 2AM.

The next day, we were able to switch sites to an ocean side site (because Rosemary loves the sound of the ocean). The site was great both because it was across from the camp hosts, who were lovely people, and because it pointed our nose solar array directly at the sun, which was very low on the horizon that time of year.

David spent the trip analyzing the output from the nose array in order to determine if we should also install a tail array (hint: that’s coming in the spring).

Here’s David’s overview of that solar experience …